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Heart of Hale'iwa Newsletter -

Click to Read.

Kindergarten Registration Now Accepted!

Please contact the office for more information.

Essence Spirit Week! 2/10 - 2/13

Click me to see the Flyer!

Monday - Wear Red to show how much we LOVE our school.

Tuesday - Wear Yellow or Orange to spread KINDNESS.

Wednesday - Wear Purple to HONOR our school.

Thursday - Wear Green to show RESPECT

Friday - No school for students (Teacher Institute Day)

Parking Lot Repaving - Some Lots are Closing!

Click to read letter from Mrs. Wetzel

Starting February 10, 2025


New Breakfast and Lunch Menu system.

Please use this link (click me) to access the new Central Oahu Menus.

Upcoming Dates to Remember:

- February 3:  Incoming Kindergarten Registration Begins

- February 10: Monday - MELE Monday continues.

-  February 10 to February 28:  Cafeteria and Bus Parking Lot repaving (subject to change)

- February 10 to 13:  ESSENCE SPIRIT WEEK

- February 13:  Grade 4 Field Trip - Kokua Farm

-  February 14:  Institute Day (No school for students).

-  February 17:  Holiday - Presidents' Day

- February 18:  Grade 2 Field Trip - Loko Ea

- February 19:  Grade 6 Parent Activity - 8:15 am

- February 20:  Grade 3 Field Trip - Kokua Farm

- February 26:  EOEL Parent Activity 8:30 am

- Feburary 27:  Grade 6 Picture Day

- March 3 to March 14:  Main Parking Lot repaving (subject to change)

- March 3:  Grade 3 Field Trip - Loko Ea

- March 5: Grade 5 Parent Activity -8:30 am.

- March 6: Grade 2 Field Trip - Kokua Farm

- March 6:  Grade 6 Overnighter 

- March 11:  Grade 5 Field Trip NOAA

- March 12:  Grade 2 Parent Activity 8:15 am

- March 12:  Wednesday - School Ends at 2:15 pm (Long Day)

- March 13:  Grade 6 Field Trip - Kokua Farm

-  March 14 - Friday - School Ends at 12:35 (Short Day)

-  March 17 to March 21 - Spring Break

The Heart of Haleiwa Newsletter

We are excited to PRESENT the FEBRUARY Edition of our school digital newsletter,

The Heart of Haleʻiwa.

Click to take me there.

Waialua Art Show
Kipapa Elementary School Visit
Waialua High and Intermediate Lion Dance Visit
Reading Challenge and Perfect Attendance Winners
Important Dates
Family Resources and Community Events
Mahalo to our Canefire Robotics Sponsors

For Previous issues of the Heart of Haleiwa, click on me to visit the Family Information tab.

Click to take me to the latest DOH Respiratory Guidance for K-12 Schools and Childcare Centers.

Previous Messages and Parent Letters

Yearbook on Sale Now!
click for more information on ordering online.
If you want to order in person, please see the office.
Click for in-person ordering form. 


November 11 and 21, 2024 

10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Provided to all students -PreK to 6th Grade

Click for Letter

Click for Opt-Out FORM

Letter from Mrs. Wetzel - Scheduled Leave Click to Read

Letter to parents from Superintendent Hayashi regarding Chapter 19 - Student Discipline.  Click for letter.

Haleiwa El Bus Service Restored effective 8/12/2024.  Sign up ASAP if you need service as space is limited.  Click for memo.

Bus Service Restored effective 8/12/2024.

Parent Letter #4 - Welcome Back!

Parent Letter #3 - Opening of school

Parent Letter #2 - Safety procedures 0717/2024

Parent Letter #1 from Mrs. Wetzel - 07/01/2024 - Save the Dates

SCHOOL YEAR 24-25 Calendar, School Supply List, and Bell Schedule now posted on our FAMILY INFORMATION PAGE.  CLICK TO TAKE ME THERE.


Hale'iwa Counselors Care!

click to take me to the Hale'iwa Counselors Care Website

Kakou Connection / Hale'iwa Helps Resources  / Aloha Kakou

click to take me to visit the Family Information Tab for current and previous newsletters.

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) - Classroom Teacher and Paraprofessionals qualifications

Click to take me to letter.


There’s always an exciting event happening at Haleʻiwa Elementary School! Take a look below to view our full schedule, and feel free to get in touch if you have any questions regarding a specific upcoming event.



We are accepting registrations for Kindergarten starting on February 3rd.

Grade7 VAX to School.jpg


Hawai'i law requires all students to get vaccinated and receive a physical exam before 7th Grade

Click for more information.

A logo with Haleiwa Logo and some school sponsor logos.
This is an image of various business and families who have donated to the school in 2024.


Here to Help, HI DOE -

Parent Coaching

Get One-on-One Support

Every parent, guardian, and caregiver is eligible for free parent coaching.  Our partnership with lets you sign up with a coach to help you help your child thrive.

Click below to Access Medallion Resource Library

Welcome Visitors!

This is a place of learning, respect, and aloha! To keep things safe and positive for everyone, we ask all visitors to review and follow the Department's Visitor Code of Conduct.  

Annual Notification of Privacy Rights

Each year, Hawaii public schools are required to notify parents of their rights under the "Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act." These rights are generally broken up into 4 separate sections. Here is a brief description of FERPA rights:

1. The right to inspect and review the student's education records within 45 days of the request.

2. The right to request the amendment of the student's education records that the parent, guardian, or eligible student believe are inaccurate or misleading.

3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception that permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests.

4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the school to comply with the requirements of FERPA.

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