Ke aka o Hale`iwa...Kupono me ke aloha no ke ahona o ke ao
The ESSENCE of Hale`iwa...Live life to the fullest with honor, respect, kindness and love to make the world a better place.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA"), Hale`iwa Elementary School (hereafter "the School") is committed to ensuring that individuals with disabilities are not denied an opportunity to participate in and benefit from any service, program, or activity, offered by the school. Individuals with disabilities are welcome to participate in and benefit from the events at our school. School officials wish to assist in making the event a memorable experience for all.
access to services, programs, and activities
Access to services, programs, and activities:
The School will make reasonable modifications in its policies, practices, and procedures when the modifications are necessary to ensure that services, programs, and activities provided by the school are readily accessible by individuals with disabilities. In choosing among methods to ensure that services, programs, and activities are readily accessible, the School will give priority consideration to those methods that will provide the services, programs, and activities, in the most integrated setting appropriate to the needs of individuals with disabilities.
Notice of ADA accommodation:
1. Notice or Request for Accommodations The School will provide notice of the availability of ADA access and accommodations in school event announcements. This notice will include the International Symbol of Accessibility ("ISA"), contact information, and language concerning ADA access and accommodations. It will also direct individuals with disabilities to the appropriate office where they can request an accommodation.
2. Signage The School will work toward providing signage directing users to accessible facilities.
Facilities Access:
The School has elected to take good faith efforts to modify its existing facilities through additional barrier removal, such that individuals may have more access to school facilities. The Department of Educations ("DOE′s") Facilities Branch is in possession of the "DOE′s" transitional plan that may include this school.
These additional structural modifications will be done in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guideline for Buildings and Facilities ("ADAAG").
Hale`iwa Elementary School
Notice and Request for Accommodations:
If you are an individual with a disability, please contact the following personnel to make arrangements for accessibility to any school event at least 10 working days prior to the event. Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate your request.
Please contact:
Mr. Ernest Pai – Student Services Coordinator (808) 637–8237 or via relay
Mrs. Malaea Wetzel – Principal (808) 637–8237 or via relay
Office Staff (808) 637–8237 or via relay